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We had damn Good Times

Andrew Sutherland's comments (1-15 of 24)

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  1. 4:34 pm on October 7, 2007 Andrew said


  2. 12:36 am on September 16, 2007 Andrew said

    How did the conversation go on that one? ;)

  3. 12:34 am on September 16, 2007 Andrew said

    Who *is* that?

  4. 12:18 am on September 16, 2007 Andrew said

    hot mullet... hot manboobs...

  5. 12:04 am on September 16, 2007 Andrew said

    Nice form, Dean.

  6. 2:17 am on September 15, 2007 Andrew said

    I always come back to this photo as the best one from the entire crew. Damn. It's so good.

  7. 12:31 am on September 14, 2007 Andrew said

    This is so fucking hot.

  8. 12:28 am on September 14, 2007 Andrew said

    Damn Sam we paparazzied both couples at the same time. We are pro.

  9. 12:13 am on September 14, 2007 Andrew said

    Jenn - we're normal!

  10. 9:18 pm on September 6, 2007 Andrew said

    Dude I remember the taking of this photo - that was mega sketch. Those waves almost ate you up!

  11. 9:31 pm on September 4, 2007 Andrew said

    Slanderous lies! Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I urge you to re-examine the evidence. Clearly I hold a yellow and green scrubby. Do not believe the lies perpetrated by Mr. Sachs. Or perhaps the amnesiac Mr. Sachs has confused me with a Mr. Dean Bakewell, who does indeed hold a treat. Thank you.

  12. 11:34 pm on September 2, 2007 Andrew said


  13. 11:16 pm on September 2, 2007 Andrew said

    Exhibit A: Andrew with a scrubby. I rest my case.

  14. 1:47 pm on September 2, 2007 Andrew said

    "Hey Andrew, could you pass the cornbread?"

  15. 11:50 pm on September 1, 2007 Andrew said

    Eek it's Jeanna in the morning!

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