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We had damn Good Times

Corri Caldwell's comments (1-5 of 5)

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  1. 6:41 am on September 28, 2007 Corri said

    Jeanna is owning that river!

  2. 6:37 am on September 28, 2007 Corri said

    Ahhh man, we need a pancake house in Fairbanks!

  3. 6:36 am on September 28, 2007 Corri said

    Awww this photo is SO cute! I love these girls!

  4. 6:35 am on September 28, 2007 Corri said

    I look thrilled in this photo lol

  5. 6:34 am on September 28, 2007 Corri said

    Hahaha "Your momma!" omg I look asian lol