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We had damn Good Times

Andrew Sutherland's comments (16-24 of 24)

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  1. 11:46 pm on September 1, 2007 Andrew said

    I'm freaky...

  2. 11:34 pm on September 1, 2007 Andrew said

    Jeanna is obviously a lot more impressed than Jenn...

  3. 11:28 pm on September 1, 2007 Andrew said

    Whoa Hannah went paparrazi with her own camera. How is that possible? Easy. She's a robot.

  4. 4:21 pm on September 1, 2007 Andrew said

    Okay I think it's pretty obvious to say that Justin always wanted to be just like me...

  5. 1:41 pm on September 1, 2007 Andrew said

    Do we really need more evidence of metallic insides?

  6. 8:47 am on August 18, 2007 Andrew said

    Justin in the background - CREEPER!

  7. 1:49 am on August 18, 2007 Andrew said

    this is a sweet band pic... mos tots def a Mega Favorite.

  8. 1:44 am on August 18, 2007 Andrew said

    Ants! Ants! Ants! Ants! hahah good times.

  9. 1:28 am on August 18, 2007 Andrew said

    Best photo on the roll!

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